Back Office: Tip Out & Tip Sharing Report Settings

Back Office: Tip Out & Tip Sharing Report Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Reports click Tip Out & Tip Sharing.

  4. The Tip Out & Tip Sharing page contains 2 tabs: Tip Outs and Tip Sharing.

Tip Outs
Tip Sharing
Tip Outs
Establish the Tip Out policy for your Store/Restaurant
  1. Tip out based on percentage of sales – Employees to be paid a certain amount from tips based on the sales percentage. If Enabled (YES), the tips will be shared and the additional Tip Out information (Tip Share Per Hour toggle and Tip Out / Tip Sharing table) appear. If Disabled (NO), they won’t be shared and no additional info appears.
  2. Tip Share Per Hour – Tips to be shared based on the clock-in hours. If Enabled (YES), the tips will be shared. If Disabled (NO), they won’t be shared.

  3. + New Tip Out – When the button is clicked, the New Tip Out window appears.
    1. TipOut Name – (Mandatory) Enter a name for the tip out. It can’t be greater than 25 characters.
    2. Role From – Select the role in the dropdown that that the tip out will be shared from (who the original tip was shared to). Only 1 role can be selected.
    3. Role To – Select the role of the employee responsible for the service. Only 1 role can be selected. Note: A Role From selection will not appear in the Role To options.
    4. Select Departments – Select one or more (or Select All) departments. All departments registered with your account will appear as dropdown choices.
    5. Percentage – Enter an amount (or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the % value by 1) of tip to the employee. The value cannot be higher than 100.
    6. When the new Tip Out is set, click Save. The confirmation message ‘Tip out details saved successfully’ appears.
      1. Click Cancel to discard entered information and cancel the creation of the new tip out.
    7. The newly created Tip Out will appear as a line item on the below table.

  4. Tip Out & Tip Sharing Table – Appears below the 2 toggles and the + Tip Out button. It contains a listing of all the Tip Outs created as rows with the corresponding fields: Name, Role From/To, Departments, and Percentage.
    1. Delete – Select the Delete (Trash Can) button at the end of a Tip Out row to delete it. The Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete to confirm deletion or Cancel / X Close to keep it.
    2. Rows Per Page: Select the maximum number of rows to appear on screen at one time.

Tip Sharing
Establish the Tip Sharing policy for your Store / Restaurant:

  1. Manual Tip Sharing – A toggle for sharing the collected Net Tip. If Enabled (YES), select one or more roles (or Select All) that the overall tip will be manually uniformly shared with. If Disabled (NO), the overall tip will not be manually shared.

  2.  Automatic Tip Sharing – A toggle for sharing the collected Net Tip. If Enabled (YES), select one or more roles (or Select All) that the overall tip will be automatically shared with. If Disabled (NO), the overall tips will not be automatically shared.
    1. Note: The Manual and Automatic toggles cannot both be Enabled at the same time.

  3. Tip Charge Deduction Before Tip Share – A toggle for deducting the tip charge before the tip is shared with the employee(s). If Enabled (YES), the charge will be deducted. If Disabled (NO), it will not be deducted.
  4. Include Below In Tip Share – Select the checkboxes of the tips to be included in tip sharing: Online Pickup, Declared Cash, Gratuity, and Driver Compensation.

  5. Save – When clicked, tip sharing updates are saved and the ‘Tip out/ Tip Sharing Updated Successfully’ confirmation message appears.

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