Back Office: Transaction Report

Back Office: Transaction Report

Void Transactions
  1. Select the Tender Option.

    1. If By Tender Name, select the Tender Name.

    2. If By Tender Type, select the Tender Type.

  2. Sale Close Date (same as Time Period dropdown).
  3. Transaction Date (same as Time Period dropdown).
  4. Click Apply. The following data appears:
    1. Transactions Table
      1. Check Number – The Transaction’s Check Number. It’s clickable to display a new table.
      2. Sale Close Date – The Date and Time the sale closed, based on the selected Time Period.
        1. Format: DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
      3. Transaction Date – The Date and Time the transaction occurred, based on the selected Time Period.
        1. Format: DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
      4. Payment Number – The Transaction’s Payment Number.
      5. Employee Name – The User (Store Employee) who conducted the Transaction.
      6. Tender Name – The Tender Name/Type (User and System-defined Tender details).
      7. Card Number – The last 4 digits of the Credit Card number, and only the last 4 should be displayed with the preceding numbers displayed as asterisks (Example: ********1111).
      8. Auth Code – In this Auth code of the transaction should be displayed
      9. Status – This displays the status of this transaction i.e., success, failure
      10. CC Tip Charge – The amount of a Tip the Customer added to the Credit Card charge.
      11. CC Service Charge – Any applicable Service Charge added to the Credit Card charge.
      12. Amount – The total amount (Gross Sale) for the transaction.
      13. Tip – The amount in Tips added to the transaction.
      14. Total – The sum of line item amounts in the columns Total of CC Tip charge, CC Service Charge, Amount and Tip.

      15. Check Number (No) Screen – Clicking on a Check Number displays a screen with details about that specific Check’s transaction, with sections for Check Summary, Order Summary, Tax Summary and Payment Summary. Click Back to revert to the main Transactions tab screen.

        1. Check Summary Displays information about the Check for the Transaction.

          1. Check Number – The Check Number of the Transaction.
          2. Customer – Name of the customer associated with the Check.
          3. Date – The Check’s Date and Time, displayed as DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
          4. Service Type – Service type of the check should be displayed
          5. Seat Number – Based on the Service Type, the Seat Number is displayed                              
            1. Bar Tab The Seat Number is displayed.                                
            2. QSR – The Seat Number is not displayed.                          
            3. If there are multiple seats, they are displayed.
          6. Server Name – Server name should be displayed.
          7. Gratuity – Gratuity amount in the check should be displayed along with currency symbol.
          8. Discount – Discount amount in the check should be displayed along with currency symbol.
          9. CC Service Charge – Service charge foe Credit card should be displayed along with currency symbol.
          10. Online Order Service Charge – The amount of any Service Charge for submitting an Online Order (with currency symbol [$]).
          11. Total – The Total amount of charges on the check (with currency symbol [$]).
          12. Total Tip – The Total amount of Tips added to the check.
          13. Cash Discount – The amount of any Cash Discount (with currency symbol [$]).
          14. Item Service Charge – The amount of any Service Charges added to Item(s) (with currency symbol [$]).

        2. Order Summary – Displays information about the Ordered Items for the Transaction.

          1. Item – The name of the Menu Item ordered on the check.
          2. Price – The Price of the Menu Item ordered on the check (with currency symbol [$]).
          3. Quantity – The number of times the menu item was ordered on the check.
          4. Amount – The total Amount (Item Value X Quantity) being charged for the Item (with currency symbol [$]).
          5. Sub Total – The sum Total value of all the Item’s Amounts.

        3. Tax Summary – Displays details about the Taxes collected for the Transaction.

          1. Type – The Type of Tax applied to the check.
          2. Rate% – The Percentage of the check’s item the Tax is charging.
          3. Amount – The Menu Item’s Price X Tax Type’s Rate%.
          4. Tax Total Total amount of Taxes collected on the Check, at the bottom of Amount.

        4. Payment Summary – Displays details about the Payments applied to the Transaction.

          1. Payment Number The Payment Number of the Check.
          2. Type Type of payment - such as Cash, CC (Credit Card), etc.
          3. Tips The amount in Tips added to the Check.
          4. CC Service Charge Any applicable Service Charge for a CC payment.
          5. Amount The Amount the customer paid towards the Check.
          6. Status The Check’s Status (Success or Failed).
          7. Auth Code The Check’s Authorization Code.
          8. Transaction No The Check’s Transaction of the number of the check should be displayed
          9. Payment Ticket Payment Ticket in PDF format should be displayed if user clicks the Pdf, it will be downloaded
          10. Note: If there are multiple Payments, each one is displayed as its own line item.

Void Transactions
  1. Select the Tender Option.

    1. If By Tender Name, select the Tender Name.

    2. If By Tender Type, select the form of payment configured by the Store’s Admin. You can also Search to help quickly identify your desired option.

  2. Select the Time Period.

  3. Click Apply. The following data appears:

    1. Void Transactions Table – Displays the following columns:
      1. Check Number – The Transaction’s Check Number. It’s clickable to display a new table.
      2. Sale Close Date – The Date and Time the sale closed, based on the selected Time Period.
        1. Format: DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
      3. Transaction Date – The Date and Time the transaction occurred, based on the selected Time Period.
        1. Format: DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
      4. Payment Number – The Transaction’s Payment Number.
      5. Employee Name – The User (Store Employee) who conducted the Transaction.
      6. Tender Name – The Tender Name/Type (User and System-defined Tender details).
      7. Card Number – The last 4 digits of the Credit Card number, and only the last 4 should be displayed with the preceding numbers displayed as asterisks (Example: ********1111).
      8. Auth Code – In this Auth code of the transaction should be displayed
      9. Status – This displays the status of this transaction i.e., success, failure
      10. CC Tip Charge – The amount of a Tip the Customer added to the Credit Card charge.
      11. CC Service Charge – Any applicable Service Charge added to the Credit Card charge.
      12. Amount – The total amount (Gross Sale) for the transaction.
      13. Tip – The amount in Tips added to the transaction.
      14. Total – The sum of line item amounts in the columns Total of CC Tip charge, CC Service Charge, Amount and Tip.

    2. Check Number (No) Screen – Clicking on a Check Number displays a screen with details about that specific Check’s transaction, with sections for Check Summary, Order Summary, Tax Summary and Payment Summary. Click Back to revert to the main Transactions tab screen.
      1. Additionally, there’s an option to Email a Copy of the Receipt. The Email Address field is available, with just one Email Address per send is available. Click Send Receipt to email the Check Details to the entered Address. The Send Receipt option will only be available once a valid Email Address is entered.

    3. Check Summary Displays information about the Check for the Transaction.

      1. Check Number – The Check Number of the Transaction.
      2. Customer – Name of the customer associated with the Check.
      3. Date – The Check’s Date and Time, displayed as DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM
      4. Service Type – Service type of the check should be displayed
      5. Seat Number – Based on the Service Type, the Seat Number is displayed
        1. Bar Tab The Seat Number is displayed.                                
        2. QSR – The Seat Number is not displayed.                          
        3. If there are multiple seats, they are displayed.
      6. Server Name – Server name should be displayed.
      7. Gratuity – Gratuity amount in the check should be displayed along with currency symbol.
      8. Discount – Discount amount in the check should be displayed along with currency symbol.
      9. CC Service Charge – Service charge foe Credit card should be displayed along with currency symbol.
      10. Online Order Service Charge – The amount of any Service Charge for submitting an Online Order (with currency symbol [$]).
      11. Total – The Total amount of charges on the check (with currency symbol [$]).
      12. Total Tip – The Total amount of Tips added to the check.
      13. Cash Discount – The amount of any Cash Discount (with currency symbol [$]).

      14. Item Service Charge – The amount of any Service Charges added to Item(s) (with currency symbol [$]).

    4. Order Summary – Displays information about the Ordered Items for the Transaction.

      1. Item – The name of the Menu Item ordered on the check.
      2. Price – The Price of the Menu Item ordered on the check (with currency symbol [$]).
      3. Quantity – The number of times the menu item was ordered on the check.
      4. Amount – The total Amount (Item Value X Quantity) being charged for the Item (with currency symbol [$]).
      5. Sub Total – The sum Total value of all the Item’s Amounts.

    5. Tax Summary – Displays details about the Taxes collected for the Transaction.

      1. Type – The Type of Tax applied to the check.

      2. Rate% – The Percentage of the check’s item the Tax is charging.
      3. Amount – The Menu Item’s Price X Tax Type’s Rate%.
      4. Tax Total Total amount of Taxes collected on the Check, at the bottom of Amount.

    6. Payment Summary – Displays details about the Payments applied to the Transaction.

      1. Payment Number The Payment Number of the Check.
      2. Type Type of payment - such as Cash, CC (Credit Card), etc.
      3. Tips The amount in Tips added to the Check.
      4. CC Service Charge Any applicable Service Charge for a CC payment.
      5. Amount The Amount the customer paid towards the Check.
      6. Status The Check’s Status (Success or Failed).
      7. Auth Code The Check’s Authorization Code.
      8. Transaction No The Check’s Transaction of the number of the check should be displayed
      9. Payment Ticket Payment Ticket in PDF format should be displayed if user clicks the Pdf, it will be downloaded
      10. Note: If there are multiple Payments, each one is displayed as its own line item.


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