Back Office: Void Report

Back Office: Void Report

Displays voided check activity based on Nodes.

  1. Select from the list of Nodes created under the Store.

  2. Select the Time Period.

  3. Click Apply. The below table with the following columns is populated:

    1. Node The Node Number.
    2. Check # – This number of the voided check. Clicking it opens a Check Summary window.
    3. Date – The Date the check was voided (DD-MM-YYYY format).
    4. Item Name – The Name of the Menu Item voided on the Check.
    5. Quantity – The Quantity of the Menu Item voided on the Check.
    6. Amount – The total Amount of the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    7. Tax – The amount of Tax voided for the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    8. Discount – The amount of Discount voided for the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    9. Void Reason – The Reason the user selected when voiding the check.
    10. Open By – The name of the Employee who opened the check.
    11. Void By – The name of the Employee who voided the check.
    12. Total – The Sum of values on the Quantity, Amount, Tax, and Discount columns.

Displays voided check activity based on Nodes.

  1. Select from the list of Employees created under the Store.

  2. Select the Time Period.

  3. Click Apply. The below table with the following columns is populated:

    1. Check # – This number of the voided check. Clicking it opens a Check Summary window.
    2. Date – The Date the check was voided (DD-MM-YYYY format).
    3. Item Name – The Name of the Menu Item voided on the Check.
    4. Quantity – The Quantity of the Menu Item voided on the Check.
    5. Amount – The total Amount of the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    6. Tax – The amount of Tax voided for the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    7. Discount – The amount of Discount voided for the Menu Item (with currency symbol).
    8. Void Reason – The Reason the user selected when voiding the check.
    9. Open By – The name of the Employee who opened the check.
    10. Void By – The name of the Employee who voided the check.
    11. Total – The Sum of values on the QuantityAmountTax, and Discount columns.

    12. Check Summary - Clicking a Check # value displays a breakdown of the check, with the Check No at the top and the back button to return to the main Employee tab, along with an option to Send the Receipt to the customer's Email Address.
      1. Below the header, are sections for Check Summary, Order Summary, Tax Summary and Payment Summary.


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