Back Office: Wait List Application Settings

Back Office: Wait List Application Settings

  1. With an Enterprise Account: sign into the Back Office and select a Store.
    1. If you are a non-Enterprise Level user, you will be taken directly to the Home screen.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Application click Wait List. The Wait List page appears.

  4. The Wait List page contains the Wait List and Reasons tabs.

Wait List
Wait List
The Wait List tab displays information about created parameters for establishing wait times based on seat amounts for a party size and the expected time the party size will be occupied.

To Create a new Wait List:
  1. Click + Wait List. The New Wait List pane appears.

  2. Min Seats – Enter the minimum number of seats or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the numeric value by 1. The value must be greater than 0.
  3. Max Seats – Enter the maximum number of seats or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the numeric value by 1. The value must be greater than 0.
    1. Note: If the Min Seats value is greater than the Max Seats value, the alert message ‘Min seats should be less than Max’ appears.

  4. Select the number of Hours and Minutes from the dropdown.
    1. Hours – Minimum of 0 (00) and maximum of 10.
    2. Minutes – Minimum of 0 (00) and maximum of 55.

  5. When all Wait List options have been set, click Save at the bottom-right. If successful, you’re returned to the main Wait List screen and the confirmation message ‘Wait List Added Successfully’ appears at the top-right.
    1. Click Cancel or X Close to cancel creating the new Wait List.
    2. If not all mandatory fields have been filled in, Save will be greyed out and unable to be clicked.

  6. The newly-created Wait List will appear as a new row on the Wait List table.

  1. To Delete an existing Wait List:
    1. Under the Actions column click its corresponding Trash Can button. The Delete pop-up appears.

    2. Click Delete to confirm deletion of the Wait List.

    3. You are returned to the main Wait List tab, where the ‘Wait List Removed Successfully’ confirmation message appears at the upper-right of the page.

The Reasons tab displays information about created Reasons for a party's appearance on a Wait List.

To Create a new Reason:

  1. Reason – Enter the wait list reason. It is mandatory and there’s a limit of 25 characters.

  2. When the Reason for a wait list is set, click Save. It will be clickable only when the Reason field is filled in. When the Reason is successfully saved, you’re returned to the main Reasons page with the message ‘Wait List Reason Added Successfully’ appearing at the top-right.

  3. The newly-created Reason will appear as a new row on the Reasons table.

  1. To Delete an existing Reason:

    1. Under the Actions column click its corresponding Trash Can button. The Delete pop-up appears.

    2. Click Delete to confirm deletion of the Reason.

    3. You are returned to the main Reasons tab, where the ‘Wait List Reason Removed Successfully’ confirmation message appears at the upper-right of the page.

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