Back Office: Audit Log Reports

Back Office: Audit Log Reports

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Reports then Audit Log.

  1. When a Dashboard tab has a Time Period dropdown:

  1. Today – The report will run based on Today’s store business date.
  2. Yesterday – The report will run based on yesterday’s store business date.
  3. Last ‘N’ Days [Enter the number of Days, type the number or use ▲▼ to change the value by 1] – The report will run based on the entered days.
  4. This Week [Default] – Just the current week is displayed (if the report is run on Tuesday then from Sunday to Tuesday will be displayed).
  5. Last Week – The last week is displayed (from Sunday – Saturday or Monday – Sunday).
  6. Last 7 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to last 7 Days.
  7. This Month – Just the current month will be displayed.
  8. Last Month – Just the previous month will be displayed.
  9. Last 30 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to last 30 Days.
  10. Specific Date [Select the specific Date (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the selected Date.
  11. Date Range [Select the From and To Dates (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the From to To Dates. The From Date should be prior to the To Date.

  1. Search – When a Search bar is available on a page, the minimum number of characters is 3, and only letters and numbers are allowed.

  1. Columns – When a Columns button is clicked, a dropdown is shown where you can Select (show) or Deselect (hide) the columns you wish to view. Click Select All (default) to show or hide all columns.

  1. Pagination – The Rows Per Page dropdown – between 5 and 20 (intervals of 5).

  1. Sorting – If the table can be sorted by a column, it’s by Alphabetical (A-Z, Z-A) or Numerical (Ascending [Upward Arrow, Smallest-to-Largest]), (Descending [Downward Arrow, Largest-to-Smallest]) values.

  1. Export – Click Export to produce a file from the table. The Export pane appears:


  1. Format – Select one of XLSX (excel file), CSV or PDF.
  2. Delivery Options – Direct Download (directly to your computer) or Send by Email (file sent as Email Attachment).
    1. If Send By Email, enter the Email address (Mandatory) to send the file. If the address isn’t valid, you will receive an error message and won’t be able to Send.
    2. Click Cancel at the bottom to cancel the Export and return to the previous screen.
  3. Once Format and Delivery Options are set, click Export at the bottom to export the file as a Download or Email.

Audit Log

Displays information about Employee’s Attendance. Filter by Source, Event, and Time Period then click Apply.

  1. Source: Select either BO (Back Office) or POS (Point-Of-Sale).

    1. If BO was selected: select the Event (the type of action taken).

    1. If POS was selected, the select from the Filter and Check Type dropdowns that appear:
      1. Filter - Select how to organize the table data (Check No, Employee, Action, or All):
        1. If Check No is selected – The adjacent Check No field appears. Enter the number.
        2. If Action is selected – The adjacent Action field appears. Select the type of action.

      1. Check Type: Select Active, Closed, or All (both).

Audit Log Table

Displays the results when you click Apply, with the below columns:
  1. If BO was selected as the Source, the below columns appear:
    1. Actions: The type of action taken.
    2. Event Date & Time: Exact Date and Time and action occurred, with format based on established settings.
    3. Employee: The employee’s name.
    4. Device Type: The source (BO or POS).
    5. Log: The log details for the check note and which field the update has been made to (such as menu item, modifier group, user update, etc.). Clicking the value displays a new table describing the update - with columns for Field Name, Old Value, and New Value.

  1. If POS was selected as the Source, the below columns appear:
    1. Check No: The number of the check on which the log occurred.
    2. Action: The type of action taken.
    3. Event date & time: This displays when this action occurs (shows the exact date and time log). Based on the date and time format in application settings this will be displayed.
    4. Employee: The employee’s name.
    5. Device Name: The device’s name.
    6. Device Type: The source (BO or POS).
    7. Node: The node details.
    8. Log: The log details for the check note and which field the update has been made to (such as menu item, modifier group, user update, etc.). Clicking the value displays a new table describing the update - with columns for Field Name, Old Value, and New Value.
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