Back Office: Batch Reports

Back Office: Batch Reports

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Reports then Batch.
  1. When a Dashboard tab has a Time Period dropdown:

    1. Today – The report will run based on Today’s store business date.
    2. Yesterday – The report will run based on yesterday’s store business date.
    3. Last ‘N’ Days [Enter the number of Days, type the number or use ▲▼ to change the value by 1] – The report will run based on the entered days.
    4. This Week [Default] – Just the current week is displayed (if the report is run on Tuesday then from Sunday to Tuesday will be displayed).
    5. Last Week – The last week is displayed (from Sunday – Saturday or Monday – Sunday).
    6. Last 7 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to last 7 Days.
    7. This Month – Just the current month will be displayed.
    8. Last Month – Just the previous month will be displayed.
    9. Last 30 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to last 30 Days.
    10. Specific Date [Select the specific Date (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the selected Date.
    11. Date Range [Select the From and To Dates (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the From to To Dates. The From Date should be prior to the To Date.

    1. Search – When a Search bar is available on a page, the minimum number of characters is 3, and only letters and numbers are allowed.

    1. Columns – When a Columns button is clicked, a dropdown is shown where you can Select (show) or Deselect (hide) the columns you wish to view. Click Select All (default) to show or hide all columns.

    1. Pagination – The Rows Per Page dropdown – between 5 and 20 (intervals of 5).

    1. Sorting – If the table can be sorted by a column, it’s by Alphabetical (A-Z, Z-A) or Numerical (Ascending [Upward Arrow, Smallest-to-Largest]), (Descending [Downward Arrow, Largest-to-Smallest]) values.

    1. Export – Click Export to produce a file from the table. The Export pane appears:


    1. Format – Select one of XLSX (excel file), CSV or PDF.
    2. Delivery Options – Direct Download (directly to your computer) or Send by Email (file sent as Email Attachment).
      1. If Send By Email, enter the Email address (Mandatory) to send the file. If the address isn’t valid, you will receive an error message and won’t be able to Send.
      2. Click Cancel at the bottom to cancel the Export and return to the previous screen.
    3. Once Format and Delivery Options are set, click Export at the bottom to export the file as a Download or Email.


Displays Batch activity. Filter by Node, Employee, Transaction Type, Batch Type, Date Type, and Time Period then click Apply.

  1. Node: Select from the list of registered POS Nodes (one or more or Select All). A box filled in pink with a check mark means it’s selected, and a blank box is unselected.
  2. Employee: Select from the list of Employees (one or more, or Select All). A box filled in pink with a check mark means it’s selected, and a blank box is unselected.
  3. Transaction Type: Select from the list of types of transactions (All, Sale, or Auth).
    1. Note: The Transaction Type dropdown appears when the Show Sale Type Transaction in Batch Report toggle is Enabled (YES) under Settings > Batch > Batch Settings.



  1. Batch Type: Select the type of Batch (Manual (activated from Node), Auto Batch (set in Back Office), or All).
  2. Data Type: Select Business Date or Batch Date.

Batch Table

When Apply is clicked, the below columns are displayed:

    1. Check: Node Number and Check Number (NodeNumber-CheckNumber format).
    2. Card Number: The card number used for the payment (some will be masked, depending on the payment gateway).
    3. Transaction: The type of transaction (Payment, Refund, etc.).
    4. Amount: The sale amount, in currency with up to two decimal points.
    5. Service Charge: Service charge for the sale (per Back Office), with up to 2 decimal points.
    6. Tip Amount: The tip amount, in currency with up to two decimal points.
    7. Date: The date and time of the sale (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    8. Batch Settled Date: The date and time the batch was settled (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    9. Server Name: The name of the server on the sale (the user logged in on POS).
    10. POS Node: The node the sale was conducted on.
    11. Type: The type of batch (Auto or Manual).
    12. Total Records: Total number of all the checks.
    13. Total Payment: Total transactions done for the batch, with up to 2 decimal points.
    14. Total Refund: Sum of all the refund values.
    15. Total service charge: Sum of all the service charge values.
    16. Total Tips: Sum of all the tip values for the batch.
    17. Grand Total: Sum of all the transaction values.

  1. For any Failed (unbatched) Transactions a table appears below the Batch table. Due to it containing unbatched transactions, they won’t have a Batch Settled Date:
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