Back Office: Online Ordering Batch

Back Office: Online Ordering Batch

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, select Online Ordering.

  3. On the Online Ordering page, click Batch.

  4. The Batch page appears, which displays a table view of Batch transactions.
    1. Note: You can conduct a Search, filter by Columns, and set the Rows per page.

  5. Select a Store from the Stores dropdown (or All stores) then click Submit Batch. The batch tickets from the store(s) will be displayed.
    1. If the Online Payment setting (under Online Ordering > Stores > Settings for your store) is configured to Sale, the Batch will be submitted automatically without your interaction. However, if the setting is configured to Authorize, the Batch must be submitted manually. This ensures payments are processed according to your preferred settings
    2. The Batch table contains the following columns:

      1. CARD TYPE – The Card type used for the payment.
      2. TICKET NUMBER – The Check Number.
      3. CARD NUMBER – The last 4 numbers on the card used for payment (beginning numbers are encrypted).
      4. APP CODE – The Auth Code.
      5. SERVER – The name of the server who handled the payment.
      6. AMOUNT – The Amount of the check.
      7. TIP – Any Tip provided on the check.
        1. Only the Tip column can be edited (other columns are not editable).
        2. By default, the Submit Batch button will be greyed out and clickable only when the Tip column is filled in or edited.

      8. DATE & TIME – The Date and Time payment was made [DD-MMM-YYYY 00:00 AM/PM format].

      9. Actions – Click Delete (Trash Can icon) to delete a ticket from the batch. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to delete this item?’, with Cancel / X Close and Delete options. Select Delete then the Confirm Identity pop-up appears. Enter the Account’s Email and Password then click Authenticate and the batch will be deleted. Select Cancel / X Close and the pop-up will be closed without deleting the batch.

  6. Submit Batch Button – After selecting from the Stores dropdown then clicking Submit Batch, the Batch will be submitted and the message ‘Batch Submit successfully’ appears. If there is no batch, the Submit Batch button will be grayed out.
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