Create an Upcharge in Linga POS

Create an Upcharge


- Navigate to Products/Items -> Upcharges

-          Click “ + Up Charge”

-          Fill in the fields

o   Add the name

o   Select how you would like to base the upcharge

§  Category

·         All items in a specified category or categories

§  Sub Category

·         All items in a specified sub category or sub categories

§  Menu Item

·         Specific item or items

o   Chose when you would like this upcharge to be active.

§  Always

§  Reoccurring day of the week

§  Specific days in a month

§  A date range

§  A specific day

§  A specific date range at a specific range of time

o   Select if you would like to include modifiers as upcharges as well

o   Select the roles the upcharge will apply to

§  If store wide select all roles

§  If it was only at the bar you would only select Bartenders


-          Note: There will be no indication on the POS or guest checks that an Up Charge is active.

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