Reasons Tax Exempt Reason - Tax exempt reasons are commonly used for things like Non-Profit or School orders. You may use pre-programmed reasons or the keyboard on FOH for specific cases. - Navigate to Products/Items -> Reasons -> ...
Add New Coursing - Navigate to Products/Items -> Coursing - Click “+ Coursing” - Enter in the name of your new course. - The lower the priority number the higher it is to the top of the check for the kitchen as ...
How to Creating Categories: Select “Products/Items” then “Categories”, “+Category” Now you connect the “Department”, “Coursing”, “Serving Size Level” and “Tax” after select “update” Note: Must have Department, Coursing, Serving Size, and Tax prior ...
Creating Ingredient Subcategories: Select “Inventory”, “Ingredient Subcategories”, “+Subcategories’ Type in the name and select the Inventory Category to link it to Select “Save”