Including Available Time for Category / Subcategory / Menu & Retail Item

Including Available Time for Category / Subcategory / Menu & Retail Item

Introduction: This document explains about including available time option for category, subcategory, menu item & retail item

Requirement: Provision in back office to set available time for menu item so that it can be made available in the mentioned time in POS.

Implementation in Back Office:

Page Navigation: My Stores>> Category >> Applicable Time period >>Days of Week

  • The user selects the days for which the menu item must be available
  • There must be another toggle for Available Time
  • The user will be able to choose specific days from the dropdown
  • Upon enabling the toggle, the user must be able to choose to start time & end time
  • Provision to add multiple time slot must be available
  • This will make the entire menu items available in the mentioned days & time



The restriction time toggle must be removed. So, in case the user has set any restriction time previously then data fix must be done.

Page Navigation: My Stores>> Category >> Applicable Time period >>Days of Month

  • The user will choose the dates for which the menu or retail item must be displayed
  • There must be two more toggle for Available Time & Available month
  • Upon enabling the toggle for available month, the user must be able to choose the month for which the menu or the retail item must be available
  • Upon enabling the toggle for available time, the user must be able to choose the start & end time for which the menu or the retail item must be available
  • Provision to add multiple time slot must be available
  • This will make the entire menu items to be available in the mentioned time & month


The restriction time & restriction month toggle must be removed. So, in case the user has set any restriction previously then data fix must be done.

Page Navigation: My Stores>> Category >> Applicable Time period >>Date range

  • The user can select a specific date range for which the menu item must be displayed
  • There must be another toggle for Available Time & Available days
  • The user will be able to choose specific days from the dropdown
  • Upon enabling the toggle, the user must be able to choose to start time & end time
  • Provision to add multiple time slot must be available
  • This will make the entire menu items to be available in the mentioned days & time for the specific date range


The restriction time & restriction Day toggle must be removed. So, in case the user has set any restriction previously then data fix must be done.

Page Navigation: My Stores>> Category >> Applicable Time period >>Specific date 

  • The user can select a specific date for which the menu item must be displayed
  • There must be another toggle for Available Time
  • Upon enabling the toggle, the user must be able to choose to start time & end time
  • Provision to add multiple time slot must be available
  • This will make the entire menu items to be available in the specific date & time


The restriction time toggle must be removed. So, in case the user has set any restriction previously then data fix must be done.

Page Navigation: My Stores>> Category >> Applicable Time period >>Start date time & End date time

  • The user can select a specific date range for which the menu must be displayed
  • There must be another toggle for Available days
  • Upon enabling the toggle, the user must be able to choose specific days
  • Upon enabling the available time toggle, the user will choose specific start & end time
  • Provision to add multiple time slot must be available
  • This will make the entire menu items to be displayed in the mentioned days & specific date & time


The restriction days toggle must be removed. So, in case the user has set any restriction previously, then data fix must be done.


Implementation in POS:

  • The respective menu item/category/subcategory should be displayed in the POS only during the available time configured in the back office.
  • On the restricted time, the menu item/category/subcategory should not be shown in the POS.

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