Log Off After Each
- Once payment is accepted on the check it will
log that user off and require reentry of passcode to place next order. This
setting is used in table service restaurants to prevent servers from ringing in
orders under the incorrect number.
Enable Gratuity Line
in Credit Card Screen
- When an iPad user selects CC payment method, you
have an option to add gratuity, directly from the screen.
Show Tip Screen
Before Credit Card Screen
- A user can add tips before applying credit card
Kitchen Print Void
- If an item is voided after being sent to the
kitchen this setting will sent a chit notifying the kitchen that the item has
been voided off the check.
Print Included
Modifier in Kitchen
- This will
cause included modifiers to be printed on the kitchen chit. Note that this will
make your chits noticeably longer. It is helpful if you have new kitchen staff,
Auto Print Receipt
- This will automatically print the receipt after
payment is taken.
Show Digital Receipt
- Primary use for this setting is a Quick Service
- It will display a window that asks the customer
if they would like to be emailed, texted, or given a hard copy of their
Show Signature Pad
- Primary use for this setting is in a Quick
Service environment.
- It will display a signature line on the iPad for
the customer to sign with fingertip.
Print CC Merchant
- Will print the Merchant Copy of the credit card
Print CC Customer
- Will print the Customer Copy of the credit card
Enable Intranet Sync
- This is an internet fail safe option that Linga
offers. To learn more please reach out to us.
Remove Tip Line
- Primary use for this setting is in a Quick
Service environment or location that does not accept credit card tips.
Enable Pre Auth
- Primary use for this setting is a Bar
o The Default Pre Auth amount will authorize the
specified amount on the card to ensure funds are available.
o If you enable Extended Pre Auth the system will
re authorize the card every increment from the default authorization
§ EX\ $25 Initial Pre Auth, $50 Extended Pre Auth,
$75 Extended Pre Auth.
Open Auto Global Till
and Opening Balance
- If you enable this setting the sale of the day
will open the drawer with the preset opening balance.
- Employees will not need to assign drawers if
this setting is enabled.
CDS Theme
- Controls the theme of your Customer Display
Screen, if you use this feature.
iPad Custom Button
- At the bottom menu on the iPad the Discounts and
Search button is interchangeable. You can set this to whatever you commonly use
the most.
Start Day of the Week
- This is the start of your payroll week.
Default Payroll
- A user needs to select the frequency of his
business payroll period
Table Expiration Time
- This is the average time of a cover. It will
alert you by the table changing colors on the floor plan if this time is
Preferred Network
- This is the network that the iPads should be on
always. If it does connect to another network, there will be a notification
alerting you on the iPad. This setting is not required.
Delivery Charge
- This is your default delivery charge.
- This charge can be tailored to specific delivery
zones in the Delivery Zone settings.
Print Future Order
- This will print the future order (set in
minutes) before the order was initially requested.
Tip Settings
- Primary use for this setting is in a Quick
Service environment.
- These are your suggested gratuity settings. You
can set (4) percentages and (4) Dollar Amounts. You can only display one on the
Payment Methods
- These are your tenders
- On initial set up these will be preset for you
and you should not have to make any edits to them.
Print Coursing
- Prints individual chits per course
Floating Tab
- This is the tab on top of your “ALL ORDER”
- It is set to BarTab by default and you may title
it to best suit your needs, if necessary.
Disable Customer
- This removes the need to enter in customer
nationality on the Add Customer screen
Sent Whole Table to
the Kitchen Printer
- This will send the whole order to the kitchen,
even if you are only displaying one seat when you hit the order button.