March 3 2022 Release Notes

March 3 2022 Release Notes

Feature in Back Office:

1.      Variance changes in the Compare Inventory Report:

·          Adjusted column must be renamed as Variance

·         Actual column must be added before to Variance column

·         Wastage column should be renamed as Waste

·         Toggle must be included

Supporting Document: - Inventory Variance Report

Feature in Back Office / iPad:

2.      Custom Button Changes:

·         A New tab POS URL must be implemented in Application settings

·         A New toggle POS Access URL must be added in POS URL Tab

·         URL 1 Field must be added

·         Option to enter the Name, URL and option to added custom images in URL 1 has to be provided.

·         Add + option must be added

·         If POS Access URL toggle is enabled, URL Option will be displayed under check options in POS

·         If URL is selected as custom button, then it will be displayed in POS as custom button

Supporting Document: URL custom button