Online and Call Center Sales Report

Online and Call Center Sales Report


In the current system there is an option to view the sales recap and the sales summary report, but there is no option to execute the report based on the sales in Linga OLO  and Call Center

Changes in Back office:

New menu “Online Sales” will be added in the Sales Report


Page Navigation, then Enterprise Report, next Sales, finally Online Sales

·         An option to export the result into PDF, Excel and CSV should be provided

·         The report should have the following filters.

·         Source: By default, the type need to be Web Order. If required user can select either Web Order or call center

·         Time Period: General Filter available in the back office.

·         Stores: Need to show all the Linga OLO  stores applicable for the Account, By default the value should be “ALL”.

·         Delivery Type: By default, the value need to be “ALL”, if required user can select either Pick up or Delivery

·         Payment Type: By default, the value need to be “ALL”, if required the user can select the applicable payment type configured for the store.

·         System should fetch all the sales from the Linga OLO if the Source is “Web Order”.

·         System should fetch all the sales from the Call Centre if the Source is “Call Centre”.

·         The executed report should have the following column.

o   Check No

o   Transaction Date- Date and time the order created

o   Store: The Store Name for which the order is created

o   Order Type: Online

o   Sales Created by: Customer name for online order

o   Delivery Type: Pick Up/ Delivery

o   Payment Type

o   Net Sale

o   Discount

o   Tax

o   Service Charge

o   Gross Receipt

Changes in Call Center

·         The New Tab reports need to be added for Call Centre.

·         The Report “Call Centre Sale” should be enabled.

·         If the Logged in user is “Admin” then he should be provided with an option to execute the report for All the employees.

·         For other user, the login user name should be defaulted in the employee tab and should not allow him to execute the report for other employees.

·         The filter should have the below filters:

o   Employee: By default, the value should be “All” for admin user if required he will be provided with an option to change and for other users the Logged in user name need to be defaulted and will restrict the user to change it.

o   Time Period: General Filter available in the back office.

o   Stores: Need to show all the Call Centre stores applicable for the Account, By default the value should be “ALL”.

o   Delivery Type: By default, the value need to be “ALL”, if required user can select either Pick up or Delivery

o   Payment Type: By default, the value need to be “ALL”, if required the user can select the applicable payment type configured for the store.


·         System should fetch all the sales from the call center along with the employee name.

·         The executed report should have the following columns:

o   Check No

o   Transaction Date- Date and time the order created

o   Store: The Store Name for which the order is created

o   Order Type: Call Centre

o   Sales Created by: Call center employee name(code)

o   Delivery Type: Pick Up/ Delivery

o   Payment Type

o   Discount

o   Tax

o   Total

 Screen Layout for Online Sales Report





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