Pizza Prefixes

Pizza & Prefixes

Optimization is often about streamlining the flow/process for each individual order as to get the most amount of information from as little navigation as possible.

While having a single modifier for each individual option is effective, the number of modifiers listed on one menu item can quickly get out of hand and actually hinder the user’s ability to quickly and effectively ring in a customer’s order!

Enter…Prefixes! These are additional options that can be attached to a modifier to further define the unique needs/wants of a customer’s order. Things like “extra” or “on side” can be added as prefixes and can be added to an individual modifier to not only save space, but to provide more detail to that particular modifier!


Creating a Prefixed Modifier:

·         From the “Home” screen, navigate to “Products/Items” and select “Modifiers”

·         Then select "+ New Modifier“ in the top right corner

A search box with a red arrow

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·         From there, fill in all the necessary information for that modifier

·         Once done, navigate to the “Prefixes and Serving Size Levels“ section

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·         Here is where the fun starts! You can add as many prefixes as you need. You can also add an associated price to the prefix, such as $1 for “extra” Note: Be sure to toggle “override Modifier Price” should you need to add an additional charge for a prefix.


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·         And you are done! Once you add this modifier to a menu item, when you select it, the prefixes will populate in the upper right corner of the order screen! Remember: Don’t work harder…work smarter!

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