Printer Settings and Configuration

Printer Settings and Configuration

Settings > Printer Configuration


Front End Receipt- Configure what you would like to include on the customer check. If you would like to add your logo be sure to use black and white and no bigger than 300x300.

Kitchen Receipt Template- Chose what you would like to print on the kitchen chit.

Email Receipt Template- Chose what you would like to include in the email receipt.

Kitchen Printers- Add printer by clicking on “ + Kitchen Printer “ select if it is a KDS or Printer, add the name of printer (Expo, Service Bar,etc.) , add the printer’s IP address, Enable restrictions if necessary, enable apply to all categories if necessary.

Receipt Printers- Add printer by clicking on “ + Receipt Printer “, Add the Name (Node1, etc.), add the printer’s IP address, and choose if it is the default printer for all iPads.

Label Printers- Add printer by clicking on “ + Label Printer “, define if it is a menu or address printer, add the name and IP and enable restrictions if necessary.

Kitchen Label Template \ Label Template- Customize what prints on the labels.  


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