

Purchase Order Overview:

Creating Purchase Templates:

Select “Inventory”, “Purchases”, “Purchase Templates”, “+Purchase Order Template”

Type in the name of the Purchase Order and select a Vendor and add Inventory

Creating a Purchase Order:

Select “Purchase Orders”, “+Purchase Order”

Select the Vendor

Select “+Inventory Item”

Select the Inventory Item

After selecting the item, the rest will automatically calculate

After creating the Purchase Order select “Place Order”

Purchase Order Complete

Once the order arrives to your business select the green button under Purchase Orders

This will show you what you ordered. If information is correct select “Submit”

Items Received

Receive Inventory Item:

Select the “Receive Inventory Item” tab

Select the Inventory item received

This will autofill. Change the “Quantity” if needed. Then select “Save and Continue”

Viewing Received Logs:

Select “Received Logs” and select the appropriate Time Period and “Search”

Received Items Log

Viewing Purchase Invoice:

Select “Purchase Invoice”

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