Build Version 2.1.10 - Release Notes

Build Version 2.1.10 - Release Notes



·         Performance Improvement - Lite Mode Option

o   Currently in Linga POS, the system slow down when large amounts of menu items are placed. To improve the performance, we are introducing a new feature “Lite Mode”.

o   Reference: Linga - Performance Improvement - Lite Mode


·         Barcode to open old checks

o   This feature helps in searching of old checks using bar code scanner easily than giving the check number or date manually

o   Reference: Linga - Barcode to open old checks


·         Close the day checklist

o   While performing close the day Linga application validate if there is tills, cashiers and Open checks individually.

o   Reference: Linga - Close the day checklist


·         Consolidate kitchen print menu items

o   This feature is to group the menu items Coursing wise or Seat wise to reduce the paper size in Kitchen Print.

o   Reference: Linga - Consolidate kitchen print menu items


·         Date & Time on kitchen Label

o   Display the date and time in the kitchen Label Print menu receipt based on the BO setting.

o   Reference: Linga – Date & Time on kitchen Label


·         Tip & Service Charge for Side Swipe CC (Exist in 2.1.9 Performance build)

o   This feature is to display Tip screen and Service Charge screen for the Side Swipe CC payment base on BO settings.

o   Reference: Linga - Tip & Service Charge for Side Swipe CC


·         eDynamo– Pre Auth and Post Auth

o   Implementation of Pre Auth and Post Auth functionalities in the eDynamo Payment.

o   Extended Pre-Auth functionality has also been implemented.


·         Open Bar Tab with eDynamo EMV

o   This feature will help in accepting zero ($0.00) in the Pre-auth screen of Bar Tab where we will save the card details.

o   When the sale is completed, post-auth for the check amount will be done.

o   Reference: Linga - Open Bar Tab with eDynamo EMV


·         eDynamo Payment Offline Transaction Support

o   So far offline payments are saved in local system.

o   Offline payments  of eDynamo (Magtek) will be stored in local system and upload to server automatically when the internet is on.


·         Auto Refresh Table Layout

o   The timing in the Table layout screen and Bar tab screen will be updated automatically.


·         Force partial payment for gift card

o   If the balance on the gift card is insufficient for the check total, the user can use the Gift Card for the available Balance as partial payment. User can pay the remaining amount in different payment mode or card.


·         Linga – Check Reappear

o    Closed Checks on offline iPads should be cleared automatically when iPad comes online.






Back Office


·         Adjust Inventory Report

o   This report helps to filter the wastage report in the Inventory.

o   Reference: Linga - Enhancement Adjust Inventory


·         Cost price-based calculation

o   The COGS calculation will be based on the new option ‘Calculate COGS on cost price’.

o   If the option ‘Calculate COGS on cost price’ is enabled, then, the COGS will be calculated on the cost price basis.

o   If the option ‘Calculate COGS on cost price’ is disabled, then, the COGS will be calculated on the item purchase basis.

o   Reference: Linga - COGS Calculation


·         Publish warning

o   When any changes are made in the back office, the ‘Publish’ icon will be highlighted in red colour to indicate that the user didn’t publish the changes yet.

o   Once the user has clicked on ‘Publish’ icon, the changes will be published, and the icon will be highlighted in green colour.


·         Save & Publish

o   In Create Menu Item and Update Menu Item screens, a new option ‘Save & Publish’ will be displayed.

o   By clicking on this option, the changes will be get published and the ‘Publish’ icon will be highlighted in green color.


·         Employee Active Inactive filter

o   Currently, in the back office we could be able to get the reports of employees who were in ‘Active’ status only.

o   Now, we would be able to view the reports of employees who were in ‘Inactive’ status also.

o   The changes have been implemented in Attendance report, Payroll report, Labour report, Gratuity report, Cash tip report.

·         Widget Creation

o   The admin will be able to set the access of the users who can view the Dashboard and Reports.


·         Restaurant 365 data Integration

o   With the help of this feature, the customer can export the sales details, employee payroll details to Restaurant365 application.

o   Reference: Linga – Export POS data


·         Order type filter in Sale Summary Report

o   In Sale Summary report, a new filter option ‘Order Type’ is introduced. This helps to view the sales of the selected order type.


·         Added field for Taxes in pull menu configuration

o   Currently, in back office while doing menu configuration, all the Taxes will be copied from one store to the other.

o   Now, we can customize the Taxes option, so that the user will be able to select the taxes which needs to be copied to the destination store.


·         Search the account by user email ID in admin dashboard page and fixed

o   In Linga admin dashboard screen, the account can be fetched by using any employee email ID in that account.


·         Unable to remove SPPax serial number in admin page

o   SPPax serial number can be able to remove in Linga admin.


·         Printer Model & Type

o   User can select the printer model from predefined printers.

o   If no printer is selected, only default printers will be considered.

o   Note : Only developers can add the Printers models into printer list.


·         Theme Switcher

o   Currently in our POS, we could be able to select only the white color background color. We are making an enhancement to be able to choose a dark background color in POS.

o   Reference: Linga – Enhancement in Theme Switcher


·         Optomany Payment device

o   Introducing additional functions for Optomany payment integration.

o   Reference: Linga – Enhancement in Optomany Payment Integration



Back Office & iPad


·         Tax Decimals

o    To avoid rounding issues in the application, app will store all the tax amount with 3 decimals.

o    POS end User will see only 2 decimals in the UI to avoid confusion.

o    Tax Report, app will show with 3 decimals to show the exact value.

o    Reference: Linga - Tax Decimals


·         In category, Role Based Restriction

o   In the back office ‘Category’ screen, we can able to restrict the Roles who can only be able to view the respective categories in POS.


·         Store can Choose Sale or Authorization for eDynamo payment

o   In back office store settings, there will be options – Sale Or Authorize for the eDynamo payment.

o   Default value should be Authorize.

o   When user select the Sale, app should show the warning message that we “Cannot adjust tip after the sale”.

o   When the option ‘Sale’ is chosen in the back office, then in iPad, the users will not be able to make tip adjustments or submit the batch process for eDynamo payment.

o   When the option ‘Authorize’ is chosen in the back office, then in iPad, the user will be able to make tip adjustments as well as submit the batch process for eDynamo payment.


·         Tax Split Up in Sale Recap Report

o   This feature is to display the summary of all the taxes available in the store based on the settings in the back office.

o   The above-mentioned changes will be applied in Sale Recap Report of both iPad and the back office.

o   Reference: Linga - Tax Split Up in Sale Recap Report


·         Added Other payment settings in roles

o   In the ‘Roles’ screen of back office, Other payments option will be added where the user can be able to enable or disable the option.

o   If the option Other payments is disabled in back office for a user, while making payment at the POS, the respective user will not be able to make the payment.

o   If the option Other payments is enabled in back office for a user, while making payment at the POS, the respective user will be able to make the payment



Back Office & Web POS


·         Retail Screen option in initial screen

o   A new option ‘Retail Screen’ has been added in the iPad initial screen field in ‘User’ screen in the back office.


·         Conversational Ordering Option

o   Currently in iPad, when the user selects the menu item the serving size will be selected in one screen and then the modifiers in another screen.

o   Now the Linga introduces a new feature where the user will be able to select the serving size & modifiers in a single screen based on the back-office configuration. This is a non-sequential ordering where the customers can select modifiers before they select serving size.


·         Layaway settings

o   It helps the customer to reserve the order by paying some deposits.

o   Reference: Linga - WebPOS LayAway




Tentative Releases


The following features are tentatively to be released in this build

·         Linga – Save future order in Back Office

o    As of Future order is displaying only in created iPad.

o    This release will share all the future order check between iPads.


·         Offline Transactions stored in BO for NMI or MPPG Payment.

o   This feature helps to process the offline transactions of eDynamo payments & credit card payments in back office.

o   Reference: Linga - Offline Transactions in BO for MPPG


·         Add color options for the modifier

o   Currently we will not able to select the color options for the modifiers in the back office. Hence, in iPad, the default color will be displayed for all the modifiers.

o   Now, the user can choose any color or upload the pictures from the local drive for any modifiers.

o   In iPad, the modifiers will be displayed according to the back-office configuration.



Major Bug Fixes


·         In back office, customer dashboard fix (Graph & Chart issue)

·         In back office, Tax report mismatch.

·         In back office, application displaying ‘Exceed your daily limit’ for house account.

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