Store Settings Enhancement

Store Settings Enhancement


This document explains regarding the changes done in the settings menu of the back office.

Implementation in Back Office:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Settings >> Store

The settings menu includes the following tabs,

1)      Store settings – All the store related information settings are available here.

2)      Application settings – User can configure the settings of POS in this screen.

3)      Payments – The payment methods used for the store should be configured here.

4)      Printers – User can configure all the printer related settings in the printers tab.

5)      Till Settings – User can find the denomination, bank deposit and till setup in the corresponding till settings tab.

6)      Delivery – The OLO related settings are available under the delivery settings.

7)      CDS Settings – User can customize the Customer display configurations.

8)      Payroll Settings – All the settings necessary for the payroll processing can be configured here.

9)      Report Settings – The sale recap, account balance and tip related settings are available here.

10)   Notification Settings – The notification alert configurations via email, SMS for certain parameters can be defined under this tab.

11)   Fiscal Settings - Fiscal settings let the users to apply different taxes based on the customer location.

12)   Fiscal List – The detailed list of the fiscal settings can be viewed here.

Store settings:

Ø  The store settings include the following,

1)      Store Information

2)      POS License

3)      Store Hour

4)      Table Layout

5)      Wait list

6)      Service Charge

7)      Revenue Centre

8)      Scale Barcode Settings


1)      Store Information:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Store Information


·         User can give the store information on this screen.

·         User should enter the mandatory details like store name, Time Zone, Languages to save the store info.

·          User can also input the phone number, email address, address, city, state, and zip code of the store.

·         The store image can be uploaded in the store image field and the image size should not exceed 100Kb.

·         The value of the latitude and longitude will be auto populated based on the address provided.

·         On clicking the Get my location button, the store will be displayed on the Google map.

·         Finally, click on the Update button.

Screen Layout:

2)      POS License:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> POS License

·         User can view the details regarding each node connected with the store and its Last Login, access, and sync time.

·         User can do reset the license from the device using the provided control.

Screen Layout:

1)      Store Hour:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Store Hour

·         User can configure the store hours on this screen.

·         User should Select the specific day of the week and enter the times that your business is open.

·         Also, user can set the timings based on the shifts by selecting the radio button “Shift”.

·         The close day check lists which displayed in the POS can be configured here.

·         User can add hours by click onto the add icon at the top.

·         User should update and publish the changes to reflect in the POS.


Screen Layout:


1)      Table Layout:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Table Layout

·         User can create a table layout to appear on the POS so that your employees can ring in orders on the POS under the appropriate tables.

·         It provides a visualized effect of the dine-in setup available in the store.

·         User can create the table layout for all the floors available in the store.

·         User can add, edit, delete, and save operations with the table layout.

1)      Wait List:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Wait List

·         Waitlist feature helps in managing the table reservations of customers in your store.

·         User can define the wait list reason by click onto the “ ” icon.

·         User need to enter the reason in the pop-up screen appear.

·         Also, user can configure the wait list with the Minimum, Maximum, Occupied time as the mandatory fields.

·         User can create the waitlist by click onto the “ ” icon.


Screen Layout:

1)      Service Charge:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Service Charge


·         The service charge for the different pay cards can be defined here.

·         User can select the card type from the drop down for which the service charge needs to be calculated.

·         User can define the service charge%, Tip Charge%, and the Gratuity Service Charge %.

·         User can also delete/ edit the service charge added.

1)      Revenue Centre:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Revenue Centre


·         Revenue Center is distinctly identifiable department, division, or unit of a firm that generates revenue through sale and/or services.

·         User can define the name for the revenue centre and map the node by selecting the listed nodes from the drop down.

·         User can edit or delete the configured revenue centre.


Screen Layout:

1)      Scale Barcode Settings:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Scale Barcode Settings

·         Barcodes are used to fasten the process everywhere. It is used to uniquely identify the items. Barcodes are integral to managing any retail operation.

·         The application will fetch the price and calculate the weight and vice-versa, based on the input decoded from the scale barcode reading.

·         User can configure the barcode in the following pop-up screen appear when user hits the “ ” icon.


Application Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Application Settings

Ø  The application settings should display all the POS related configurations.

Screen Layout:

·         Prompt Tip Screen before Credit Card Screen - On enabling the option “Prompt Tip Screen before Credit Card Screen” the tip screen will be prompted before providing the credit card details during the payment process in the POS.

·         Enable Intranet sync - If user have an intranet sync device, they can enable the option “Enable Intranet sync” and can provide the Preferred Network. The data on the POS devices will be synced using the intranet sync network during offline.

·         Enable Pre Auth – the user should be prompted to swipe the card through SPPax in advance during the Bar Tab service. Note: Quick bar must be in disable mode.

·         Enable Extended Pre Auth – a prompt should be shown in POS which allows the customer to pay the excess amount if they order more than the pre-auth amount.

·         Restrict Gift Card Tip – The application should not show the tip screen for the gift card payment method on enabling this option.

·         Employee Tip Out Deducted from Cash Expected on Reports – On enabling the employee tip should be deducted from the sales recap and the cashier out reports.

·         Enable Gratuity Line in Credit Card Screen - the gratuity screen should be prompted on the credit card screen during the payment process in the POS.

·         Disable Customer Nationality – The customer nationality should be disabled from the customer profile screen in the POS.

·         Show Popup for Tax Exempt Reference Id - the user should be prompted to enter the tax-exempt ID during the tax exempt for any check in the POS.

·         Check Number will Not Reset Daily - the check number will not be reset even after the close day is performed in the POS.

·         Auto Log Off – On enabling this option user can set the minimum idle time the screen should stay in the POS order screen.

·         Auto generate house account number – System should generate the house account number automatically and it should remain as non-editable.

·         Auto Print Close Day Report - the receipt will be printed automatically when a user closes the check in the POS.

·         Split Custom Button Action – Based on the selection, the split options (Split by check/Split by seat) need to be displayed in the POS.

·         Order Platform Price Level – On enabling this option user can configure different price levels for the different food delivery platforms available.

·         Batch Submit Device - You can select any one of the POS devices through which the batch of edynamo payments can be submitted.

·         Preferred Network – User can configure the preferred network which need to be accessed by the connected devices.

·         Default Pre Auth-Amount - User should provide the Default Pre Auth-Amount that the customer needs to pay during the Bar Tab service.

·         Default Batch Payment – User can select a default device to do batch payments.

·         Owner of The Check – User can either set check creator or the check closer as the owner of the check.

·         Time until Table Expires – The system should change the table color when the defined time expiration time is met.

·         Tip Settings – The tip can be pre-defined either in amount or in percentage.

·         Show Inactive Drivers - The inactive drivers (non-clocked-in) should be shown in the driver assigning screen on enabling this option.

·         Floating Tab – User can customize the name for the bar tab.

·         Serving Size in Front of Menu in KOT – The serving size should prefix the menu name in the kitchen receipt, KDS, Order screen, label print.

·         POS Custom Button – The order screen options can be customized based on the configuration on POS custom Button. 


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store Settings >> Payments

·         User can add/delete the payment methods that need to use in the store.

·         User can create the payment method by click onto the “ ” icon.

·         User can customize the opening of cash draw for respective payments by enabling/disabling the toggle option “Open Cash Drawer”.

·         EMV settings - EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard, Visa. User should provide name, IP address and payment method in the popup appear.

·         User can edit/delete the EMV settings configured.

·         User can save the credit card details for the future payments in different service types by choosing the service types in the field “Tokenize the credit card”.

·         User can provide the cash discount name and the cash discount rate by enabling the toggle option “Cash Discount”.




·         User can define the service charge name in the corresponding field appears on enabling the toggle option “Service Charge”.

·         User can either enable any one of the option cash discount or service charge. On enabling this option, the service fee can be added to an order in the POS.


Screen Layout:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers

Ø  The printer section includes all the printer related configuration setup.

Ø  The following are the tabs which comes under the Printers,

1)      Front End Receipt

2)      Kitchen Receipt Template

3)      Email Receipt Template

4)      KDS Configuration

5)      Kitchen Printers

6)      Printer Reroute

7)      Receipt Printers

8)      Label Printers

9)      Kitchen Label Template

10)   Label Template

11)   Other Payment Receipt Template.


1)      Front End Receipt:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Front End Receipt

·         The front-end receipt contains the configuration related to store information, Check Details, Order summary, Customer Information, Additional Information.

·         User can switch the font size from medium to small and vice versa.

·         The store details include the store name, address, contact number, mail ID and special notes if any.


·         User can upload the store logo if they wish to print it in the receipt.

·         The check details have the toggle options table name, seat number, check open server, check close server, check number, position, font, Open date and time, close date and time, Customer name, service type.

·         On enabling the toggle options the corresponding information should be printed in the receipt.

·         User can preview the receipt on the template preview section.

·         The order summary section has the toggle options secondary menu name, roll out modifier price to menu, exclude zero price menu item, exclude zero price modifier, Tax Summary, Gratuity, tip, Cash Discount, Check Total, Tender details.

·         User can add/remove the customer details to the receipt by enabling/disabling the toggle options under the section customer information.

·         The additional information section includes the loyalty amount, signature, show E-voice URL, Tip suggestion, Barcode, cut paper after each print, Notes, discount under the menu item.


Screen Layout:

1)      Kitchen Receipt Template:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Kitchen Receipt Template

·         The kitchen receipt template contains the toggle options allows user to enable/disable the options to include/exclude the certain parameters from the generated kitchen print.

·         User can select the font size and the style from the drop down provided in the corresponding fields.

·         The kitchen receipt template consists of two columns.

·         In the first column the toggle options Store name, server name, date and time, split by course, customer information, email, cut paper after each print, notes, is other language menu, all modifiers in modifier print should be available.

·         In the next column, the table name, check number, position, position font size, customer name, service type, item summary, address, phone number, quantity before the menu name, split menu quantity toggle options are available.

Screen Layout:

1)      Email Receipt template:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Email Receipt template


·         User can enable the options that need to be displayed on the receipt.

·         Also, they can disable the options that need to be hidden in the receipt. You can select any color to display as a background of the banner.

·         By enabling the option Store Image, will display your store image in the email receipt.

·         User can provide the Logo Redirect URL, so that when the customer clicks on the logo in the email receipt, he/she will be redirected to the respective website given by you.

·         By enabling the option Customer Feedback, the customer will be able to send the feedback by clicking the smileys on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Table Name, will display the customer’s table name on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Seat Number, will display the customer’s seat number on the email receipt. By enabling the option Server Name, will display the employee name who has created the check on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Check Number, will display the respective check number on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Date, will display the check created date and time on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Customer Name, will display the name of the customer on the email receipt. By enabling the option Service Type, will display the service type like QSR, Phone to go, Phone Delivery, etc. in the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Order Summary, will display the details of the customer’s ordered menu items on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Show secondary menu name, will display the secondary name of each menu item on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Roll out modifier price to menu, will display the price of the modifiers added to the respective menu items on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Exclude zero price menu item, the zero price menu items will not be displayed on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Exclude zero price modifier, the zero price modifiers will not be displayed on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Tax summary, will display the tax details of the respective check on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Tip, will display tip details of the respective check on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Tender details, will display the Cash Tendered / Credit Card Tendered/ Gift card Tendered on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Signature, will display a space for signature in the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Barcode in the ‘Customer Information Position’, will display the bar code of the respective check at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Address, will display the store’s location address at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Email, will display the store’s email address at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Phone Number, will display the store’s phone number at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         User can provide Free text to display a thank you message at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Social Icons, you can provide the details of social media sites of your store. By enabling the option Facebook, will display the Facebook link of your store on the email receipt. By enabling the option Twitter, will display the Twitter link of your store on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Linked in, will display the Linked in link of your store on the email receipt.

·         By enabling the option Show Linga POS Promotion "Powered by Linga POS", will display the text "Powered by Linga POS" at the bottom of the email receipt.

·         User can view the preview of the email receipt while enabling or disabling the options on the screen.

·         Finally, click on the Update Template button.

                Screen Layout:

1)      KDS Configuration:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> KDS Configuration


·         All the configurations related to Linga- Kitchen Display System can be done here.

·         User can enable/ disable the toggle options to configure the KDS settings.

·         Table name, check number, server name, service type, seat name, notes are available under one column.

·         User can choose the display color for the Modifiers, Addons and the Check status.

·         On enabling the toggle option “KDS Done Button”, the item-based prep time is not stored by the KDS.

·         Order completion intimation can be sent from the kitchen to the guests as well as the servers if the respective option is enabled.

·         For the service types QSR, table service and online order the order completion intimation can be sent if configured.  

Screen Layout:

1)      Kitchen Printers:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Kitchen Printers


·         Select the type of the printer as Printer or KDS (Kitchen Display System).

·         Enter the name and the IP address of the respective printer.

·         By enabling the option Enable Service Type Restriction, you can select the service type for which the respective printer needs to be configured.

·         By enabling the option Apply to all categories, this kitchen printer setting will be applied to all the categories available in the store.

·         Also, it will be applied to all the menu items which are assigned under the categories.

·         Finally, click on the Save button. After saving, the details will be added in the main Kitchen Printers screen.

·         User can edit/delete the kitchen printer settings by clicking on the respective icons in the control column.

·         The toggle options “Print voided item to kitchen”, “Print included modifier in kitchen”, “Seat Ordering override” are available in the kitchen printer setup.

·         Print voided item to kitchen - an indication would be sent to the kitchen in case of any customer voided the ordered menu items.

·         By enabling the option Print Included Modifier in Kitchen, the kitchen print will also display the included modifier of a menu item.

Screen Layout:

1)      Printer Reroute:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Printer Reroute


·         With the help of the printer reroute we can solve the problem of printing during busy business hours.

·         The printer attached to the menu items will take the priority unless a reroute is added. Printer reroute will take the highest priority.

·          If the configuration in the ‘Printer Reroute’ is done, then the priority will be

1.       Top priority – Reroute by Node

2.       Second priority – Reroute by Role

3.       Last priority – Printer attached in Item.

1)      Receipt Printers:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Receipt Printers


·         The following toggle options are available under the receipt printer setup.

1)      Auto Print Receipt - The receipt will be printed automatically while an employee closes the check in the POS. Note: Enable ‘Auto print receipt’ only if the option ‘Show digital receipt screen’ is disabled.

2)      Show Digital Receipt Screen - A screen will be displayed after the sale is completed in the POS where the employee will be asked to send the receipt through Email / SMS / Print

3)      Show Signature Pad - The signature pad screen will be displayed on the digital screen in the POS.

4)      Show CC Receipt Screen - A screen will be displayed after the sale is completed in the POS where the employee can be able to choose the option to print the customer copy and/or merchant copy.

5)      Print CC Merchant Copy - User can print a duplicate of the Cardholder copy or the Merchant copy of a receipt.

6)      Print CC Customer Copy - User can print the customer copy.

7)      Remove Tip Line - The tip line will be removed from the customer copy and the merchant copy.

8)      Tip Suggestion on Credit Card Receipt - will display the suggested tip on the receipt

·         User can add the receipt printer by click onto the add icon.

·         User can input the name, printer model, IP address.

·         User can set the printer as default, by enabling the toggle option “Default”.

Screen Layout:

1)      Label Printers:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Label Printers


·         User can choose the type of the printer from the drop down shown in the label printer popup screen.

·         Select the type of the label print as menu or address.

·         Name the label printer. Select the relevant printer model.

·         Provide the IP address of the respective label printer.

·         By enabling the option Enable Service Type Restriction, you can select the service type for which the respective label printer needs to be configured.

·         By enabling the option Apply to all categories, this label printer setting will be applied to all the categories available in the store.

·         Also, it will be applied to all the menu items which are assigned under the categories. Finally, click on the Save button.

·         After saving, the details will be added to the main Label Printers screen.

·         User can edit/delete the label printer settings by clicking on the icons in the control column.

Screen Layout: 


1)      Kitchen Label Template:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Kitchen Label Template

·         User can enable the options that need to be displayed on the kitchen label.

·         User can disable the options that need to be hidden in the kitchen label. You can define the width and height of the kitchen label print.

·         Select the font size of the header as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite. By enabling the option Show Date & Time, will display the check created date and time in the kitchen label print.

·         By enabling the option Order type, will display the order type in the kitchen label print. [For example, TAKE OUT]

·         By enabling the option Sale Number, will display the check number in the kitchen label print.

·         By enabling the Order Number, will display the order number in the kitchen label print. For example, when a customer has ordered 3 menu items, then the kitchen label print will be displayed as 1/3 for the first print, 2/3 for the second print and 3/3 for the third print.

·         By enabling the option Customer Name, will display the name of the customer in the kitchen label print. Select the font size of the title as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         Select the font size of the body as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         By enabling the option Enable Auto cut, will cut the kitchen label print automatically.

·         User can view the preview of the kitchen label while enabling or disabling the options on the screen. Finally, click on the Update Template button.

Screen Layout:



Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Kitchen Label Template


·         To configure the details that need to be displayed in the address label.

·         Label print (Address label print) is applicable only to the Phone Order and Online Order service types.

·         On clicking the Label Template tab, the screen appears as Select the type of the template as Template#0 / Template#1 / Template#2.

·         You can define the width and height of the address label print.

·         Select the font size of the header of the address label print as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         Select the font size to display the customer’s name in the address label print as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         Select the font size to display the menu name in the address label print as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite. Select the font size to display the modifier in the address label print as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         Select the font size to display the other details like customer’s location address, delivery charge, etc. in the address label print as Normal/ 2 width/ Emphasis/ Elite.

·         By enabling the option Enable Auto cut, will cut the address label print automatically.

·         User can view the preview of the address label while selecting the options on the screen.

·         Finally, click on the Update Template button.

Screen Layout:

1)      Other Payment Receipt Template:


Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Printers >> Other Payment receipt Template


·         Toggle options to include/exclude the gift card and the house account balance in CC and merchant copy are available.

·         Print Tab Name in Merchant copy – On enabling this option, the customer name entered while creating the tab in the bar tab service type should get printed in the merchant copy.

Till Settings:

                Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Till Settings

Ø  All the till related settings should be available under the section “Till settings”.

Ø  The following toggle options are available in this section,

1)      Automatic Global Till – The system will automatically open the till.

2)      Employees must Close Cash Out/Till before Punching Out

3)      Restrict Partial Payments – Users are not allowed for partial payments from different tills. Only applicable for the global till.

Ø  The denominations and the bank deposit can be configured in the till settings.

Ø  A Denomination is a proper description of a currency amount, usually for coins or banknotes.

Ø  User has to provide the bank deposit amount and choose date to proceed the bank deposit.

Ø  Close till can be performed under the “close till” section

Ø  On click into the close option, the opened till in the POS should be moved to the closed status.

Screen Layout:

Delivery Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Delivery Settings

Ø  User can define the delivery charge in this screen.

Ø  On enabling the option “Assign order to departed driver”, the new delivery orders will be assigned to the departed drivers.

Ø  User can define the timing at which the future order print needs to be generated.

Ø  User should click onto the “Sync” option to synchronize all the changes made at the store to the online order.

Ø  User can add multiple delivery zone and respective delivery charge and the expected delivery timings.

Ø  A new tab “PUC Settings” should be shown if the store has pickup order cabinet.

CDS Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> CDS Settings

Ø  The toggle options “Show advertisement” and “Customer Profile” are included under the tab CDS settings.

Ø  User should enable the “Customer Profile” toggle to view the customer profile in the CDS.

Ø  User can customize the Discount/ Loyalty/ Get number texts which display in the CDS.

Ø  User can switch the theme for the CDS from light to dark and vice versa.

Screen Layout:

Payroll Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Payroll Settings

Ø  User can define the minimum age and the number of working hours in the payroll settings.

Ø  User can select the start day of week from the drop down.

Ø  By default, Sunday remains as the start day of the week.

Ø  The payroll processing period can be chosen. It will be either daily or weekly.

Ø  User can define the overtime hours and the percentage given for working overtime can be configured in the overtime settings.

Ø  User can configure the type of the overtime settings as weekly or daily.

Screen Layout:

Report Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Report Settings

Ø  The sale recap report generated in the sales menu can be customized in the report settings section.

Ø  The sales, payment, formula definitions, Summary, Payment name set up are available in this section.

Ø  User can enable/disable the summary toggle option to include/exclude the summary reports in the sale recap.

Ø  User have the option to view the payment name in the form of system defined as well as the user defined. The configuration needs to be done in the sale recap report settings section.

Ø  The covers to count the specific menu item sales in chosen date can be configured here.

Screen Layout:

Notification settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Notification Settings

Ø  By enabling the Email option, user can provide your email address or manager’s email address for getting the respective notifications.

Ø  By enabling the Text option, user can provide your phone number or manager’s phone number for getting the respective notifications via SMS.

Ø  You can configure the Discount amount on the screen so that when your employee gives more discount in a check in the POS than the configured amount in the back office, a notification will be sent to the email address(es) and/ or phone number(s).

Ø  User can configure the Void amount on the screen so that when your employee gives more void in a check in the POS than the configured amount in the back office, a notification will be sent to the email address(es) and/ or phone number(s).



Ø  User can configure the Max No. of Cash Drawer Accessed in the screen so that when your employee opens the cash drawer more times than the configured, a notification will be sent to the email address(es) and/ or phone number(s).

Ø  When user enables the Email and/or Text for Time Clock, notification will be sent whenever an employee or employees’ clock-in and clock-out in the POS.

Ø  When user enables the Email and/or Text for Daily KPI, notification will be sent at the end of the close day is performed in the POS.

Ø  When user enables the Email and/or Text for End of the day alert, notification will be sent when an employee does not clock-out from the POS or has not closed the Till or not performed Cashier-out in the POS.

Ø  User can provide the custom text for Waitlist so that the respective notification will be sent regarding cancellation of the waitlist.

Fiscal Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Fiscal Settings

Ø  User can add the fiscal settings for the selected country from the drop down shown.

Ø  It lets user to apply different taxes for different customer locations.

Ø  The fiscal settings are followed by the fiscal list tab which shows the following columns,

1)      Check ID

2)      Date

3)      Total Send

4)      Controls.

Urban Piper Integration Settings:

Page Navigation: Settings >> Store >> Urban Piper Settings

Ø  If the store has urban piper license enabled, then the respective tab should be visible to the users.

Ø  It includes the store action, integration action and the menu action.

Ø  Store Action: During peak hours, if the user wishes to hide their store from selected aggregator, then “Store Action” settings need to be done. If user wants to hide the store from “Swiggy” aggregator, then user should enable the “Swiggy” toggle option in the store action and click onto the “Store Action” button for the changes to reflect.

Ø  Menu Item Action: To publish the menu items on the food aggregator ordering portal, user should enable the toggle option “Enable/disable the menu items” and do publish.

Ø  Integration Action: The three toggles (Zomato, Swiggy, Uber Eats) are included. To make a store visible in the appropriate food aggregators, user can disable / enable toggle options. User should enable the toggle and click onto “Publish Store” button. On successful sync, a message “Store Synced Successfully” messaged should be displayed to the user.




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