Table Layout

Table Layout

Log in to the Back of House on your computer.

Navigate to the "Settings" tab, then "Store".

Locate the "Table Layout" button and click it.

You will find several options in this section, including "Add Floor", "Table Settings", "Print QR Code", and "Apply Changes".

On the left side under table options, you will find objects that represent tables and static objects. Select one of these shapes to add a table or static object. Static objects are used as markers to help you visualize the restaurant. Checks cannot be added to a static object on the point of sale.

Once the table is added you can move and resize it.

New Floors can be added to the layout to signify different areas of the restaurant, for instance inside vs. outside dining. You will be able to switch between the floor in the table layout on the point of sale.

To add a new floor, click the "+ Floor" icon.

Once you have clicked the add floor icon, it will prompt you to fill out the Floor Name, Order Sequence, Size, and Background.

Toggle between the table layouts at the bottom of the layout.

Table Settings will allow you to view the desired information by enabling toggles.

Click "Print QR Code" to generate a QR code to place on the tables for contactless ordering.

It is imperative that you always remember to save changes, publish from the back office and sync on the point of sale for the changes to reflect. 

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