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Void an Item from the Check
- Void item before ordering o Tap on the item o Select void and the item will be removed from the check - Void item after ordering o Tap on the item o Select void o Select void reason or type in a reason and tap add o ...
Void An Item
- Type in your number and tap on Operation - Go to Till Management - You will see all tills under the Active Till Tab
Void a Check
- Void check before sending to the kitchen o Tap on the Void button on the menu bar at the bottom o The entire contents of the check are now removed - Void entire check after sending to the kitchen o Tap on the Void button ...
Open Item
Select “Option” Select “Open Item” Enter the Coursing for the item and a name. Followed by adding the price and tax. Select a printer to attach the item so the item will print to the correct printer. Select “Done” when complete As shown: Open Item ...
Repeating Item
Select on the item that needs to be repeated and select “Repeat” As Shown: Item repeated