Forced Punch In or Out
Create a User
Create a Role
Add a New User
- Navigate to User Management -> Users - Click “+ User” in the top right - Fill in all fields with a red ( * ) next to it. All other fields are optional. - Click Next to fill in pay info. - Save by ...
Customize a Role
Customize a Roll - Navigate to User Management -> Roles - Find role you would like to customize and click the pink pencil on the right. - To expand Back Office, POS, or, POS Operations just click on the appropriate one. - You can turn them all on\off ...
User Roles
Default access for Roles (These permissions can be customized by the admin, if necessary): Admin - Super user that has the ability to do all FOH and BOH functions. Servers\Bartenders\Cashiers: - Basic order entry functions. They ...
Restrict Report on Active Checks
Enable the restrict check summary in BackOffice USER MANAGEMENT -> Roles -> select a role and click edit option-> Click POS OPERATIONS -> RESTRICT REPORT ON ACTIVE CHECK If users have an active checks means cant able to view the Close day report . ...
Restrict Check
Enable the restrict check summary in BackOffice USER MANAGEMENT -> Roles -> select a role and click edit option-> Click POS -> Enable Restrict Check Summary if it is enabled, when the user logged in with that role will not be able to see the check ...
User Management - Users
User Management>Users o Sign into the LingaPOS back office online at mystore.lingapos.com o Click on the User Management tab on the Navigation Panel o Click on the Users tab o If this is your first time logging in, you must edit your User record o ...